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2022-2023 Lacrosse TEAMS
Team Offerings (Based on 2022-2023 school grade)
2033/2034 Graduating Year (Gr 1/2)
2032 Graduating Year (Gr 3)
2029/2030 Graduating Year (Gr 5/6)
Team Selection
Team selection has already occurred for the 2022-2023 season
Prospective players must attend at least one tryout but are strongly encouraged to attend two. Tryout cost is $10. Proof of USA Lacrosse Insurance is required.
Season Schedule
Fall / Winter Season (September - March)
FCA Upstate Tournament - Batavia, NY
Spring Season (April - May)
Practice 1x a week​
Summer Season (June - July)​
Practices 2x a week
Tournaments including:
​NXT Cup - Conshohocken, PA
Niagara Lacrosse Classic - Youngstown, NY
Finger Lakes Lacrosse Tournament - Auburn, NY
Team Cost
Costs will range between $325 and $450 in addition to registering with USA Lacrosse for insurance (approximately $30).
League and tournament registrations
Practice facilities fees
Seals team uniform
Registrations for our 33/34, 32 and 29/30 teams is now closed. If you have any questions please contact us at flxsealsathletics@gmail.com.