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What is The Long Term Athlete Development Model?

The Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) model is a framework for an optimal training, competition and recovery schedule for each stage of athletic development. Coaches who engage in the model and its practices are more likely to produce athletes who reach their full athletic potential. (1)


The implementation of sport programs that follow a LTAD model will enable coaches to develop individualized programs based upon each individual and take advantage of the critical periods of accelerated adaptation to training. It will also ensure that athletes develop to their full potential. The LTAD framework is athlete-centered, coach-driven and supported by administration, sport science and sponsors. 


Learn more about LTAD by clicking here

1, 2 Athletics Canada, Long Term Athlete Development. 2022,

Stages of Development

1) Discovery

Active and basic play



  • 0-6 (F)

  • 0-6 (M)

4) Training To Train

Build training capacities



  • 11-14 (F)

  • 12-16 (M)

2) FUNdamentals 

Introduce structure but emphasize fun  



  • 6-7 (F)

  • 6-10 (M)

5) Learning & Training to Compete

Training to compete for championships



  • 15-21+ (F)

  • 16-23+ (M)

3) Learning to Train

Prepare for structure training



  • 8-10 (F)

  • 10-12 (M)

6) Learning & Training To Win

Train solely for competitive results



  • 17+ (F)

  • 17+ (M)

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